A Love Letter to my MomYesterday evening, I began looking through some items contained in an old tin box.

I had looked through it before a long time ago, but today was different. I actually took the time and scrutinized it’s contents.

There were many mementos my mother had saved from her high school days in the early 1940’s. Report cards, graduation announcements, pages from an autograph book. Also were letters she saved that were written to her from my dad.

My mom at the time lived in Matamoras, PA with Uncle Jim and his wife. My dad with his folks in Johnson, NY.

They met at the old “Joyland” roller-rink in Port Jervis. It was located on a street that ended at the Neversink River. There was a picnic area, a spot for swimming, and the roller-rink. It was one of the places kids gathered to associate with old buddies and meet new friends.

It was in July of 1942. My mom was 18 and my dad was 19.

She remembers him singing “White Christmas” for the crowd of skaters back then. (My dad had a wonderful voice!) They met – must have been some electricity between them – and the couple was destined to become my parents!

Here’s a letter my dad wrote in January of 1943:

Hello Sweetheart

“Well here it is about twenty four hours since I’ve seen you last. I haven’t done very much since then except clean up your car and my gas tank. I just got finished (g___ d____ pen) and what a job that was. I should have waited until Sunday and let you help me but the I figured it would take too much time when we could be doing something more pleasant.

“I am home all alone tonight, the rest of the family went to the card party. I was going to call you on the phone but being it is around eight-thirty, you might possibly be in bed so I guess I’ll have to settle for this letter. I’ve got your picture right here in front of me and writing this as though I was talking to you. The only trouble is so far it seems to be a one way conversation.

“I seen Andy this noon on his way to work. It seems as though he didn’t feel like going to work this morning. He said he got up at ten o’clock and still felt tired.

“I suppose I ought to answer Don’s letter tonight but I don’t think I’ll be able to get going so it will have to wait until tomorrow sometime or Wednesday night.

“Last nigh coming home I hears over the news that some military experts were saying that the way the war is going right now, they think the war will be over some time next year. Well, I’ve got my fingers crossed and praying.

“Well hon I think I’ll close now and go to bed and within twenty-four hours more, I’ll see you again.”

Yours with all my love,


P.S. I don’t know whats getting into me. I’m starting to write a letter instead of a note. HD”

So touching for a daughter to read. The courtship of your parents is not something a child witnesses! Growing up, we see our parents in a different light than what they see in each other.

By the time I was born (I being the middle child), they had already been married 9 years! And early memories of my parents for me mean some time in the late 1950’s – perhaps as early as 1957.

So, when I look at the photo of the smiling couple of 1996 hanging on my wall while I’m reading these letters, it made me look up and smile, knowing that there really was a love between them that survived the rockiness of any marriage!